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Day 4 - Yes!

Day 4 was another uneventful no treatment day. I felt fine and perfectly normal. So fine, I wanted to go for a swim.

It was annoying me that I had been told not to swim in a chlorinated pool because we have two pools very close and it is a short ride to both, whereas it is an hour’s ride to the beach. I was advised that swimming in the ocean is good because of the recuperative properties in the salt water. I know I could drive to the beach in around 15 minutes, but that isn't any fun. I'd rather ride. Problem is I've also been told I shouldn't use sunscreen because they contain metallic compounds that exacerbate the radiotherapy and cause excessive burning of the skin. I couldn't ride if I can't apply sunscreen, and I certainly can't swim in the ocean. Catch 22.

While my mind was contemplating this dilemma, I remained frustrated at not really knowing, so I emailed my radio oncologist, who emailed back the same day full of encouragement to continue exercising. He advised that provided I don’t have any open wounds and the chlorine doesn’t irritate my skin, I can continue to swim in a pool.

Furthermore, he mentioned that I could use sunscreen - just not on the areas subject to the radiation therapy, ie neck and face, on the days I was having treatment (every workday).

This confirmation raised my spirits considerably as I could look forward to continuing my exercise.

I spent the day working and considering the details of my treatment program, trying to foresee what my routine may look like and what I needed to do. Other than this, I didn’t leave the house.

I had a ham roll and a vegemite roll, with a cup of tea for lunch. I then went through my mouth and teeth routine.

I did little more work after lunch before deciding I’d take off for a swim. I generally ride to one of the pools near our home. The nearest is around 4kms away, so it’s a nice gentle ride to and from there. Shared paths all the way.

However, when I went to get my bike down off the rack, I noticed the front tyre was completely flat. The tyre wall had burst and the inner tube had a sizable puncture. So, instead of going for a swim I fixed the tyre.

I’ll go for a swim tomorrow.

We had visitors for dinner. Seafood – tomato and garlic mussels, prawns, snapper fillets, salt and pepper squid, potato wedges and salad.

I watched a bit of TV, then completed my M&T Routine before climbing into bed at 10pm.

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